OnScreen Technology

The World’s Only Premium Mesh, Direct-Wrap Sand Screen
Patented OnScreen™ technology provides the benefits of direct wrap sand screens with the reliability of high-quality filter mesh and shrouds.
OnScreen™ sand screens are produced with the filter mesh and shroud manufactured directly onto base pipe. Layers are tight and secure, creating a low-profile screen that is more maneuverable downhole and more durable in service.
OnScreen™ technology is the only direct-wrap process that produces a premium sand screen. It provides the cost-efficiency of wrap-on screens, plus precise and consistent micron ratings found in high-quality filter mesh.
OnScreen™ technology is a direct-wrap screen option offering premium performance for these applications:
- Open hole and cased hole completions
- Vertical, deviated and horizontal completions of oil, gas and injector wells
- Stand-alone completions
- Gravel-pack and frac-pack completions
- Completions that use Alternate Path gravel-pack shunt tube technologies
- Long and extreme-reservoir-contact wells
- Wells with severe downhole conditions
- Installations with inflow or injection control devices
- High-rate-gas environments
OnScreen™ Duo: direct-wrap screens with filter mesh and an outer shroud, providing economy and performance in low-pressure wells.
OnScreen™ Trio: direct-wrap screens with an outer shroud, filter mesh and inner shroud for use in high-pressure wells and with inflow control devices.
OnScreen™ technology is protected under the following patents:
U.S. Issued Patent No. 7,287,684 B2
U.K. Issued Patent No. GB2391183
Norwegian Patent No. 331873